Mexico Finca Guadalupe Zaju

Regular price Sale price £9.50

Mexico Finca Guadalupe Zaju

Regular price Sale price £9.50
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A delicious and well balanced coffee, from Mexico’s famed ‘Ruta de Cafe’.  We've been invited to roast this coffee for a national roast contest, so the flavour profile will evolve as we explore its character.


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Mexico Finca Guadalupe Zaju
Beautiful Finca Guadalupe Zaju occupies 310 hectares right on Chiapas, Mexico’s famed ‘Ruta de Cafe’, which rides along the Guatemalan border, through Mexico’s famed Soconusco region. The route flows past some of Mexico’s most famous farms. A neighbour of these farms, Guadalupe Zaju is well on its way to helping carry on the region’s reputation as a location for high quality coffee. The coffee at Guadalupe Zaju is 100% shade grown, and the farm is Rainforest Alliance, UTZ and Cafe Practices certified. It is selectively hand harvested and pulped, then goes through a demucilaginator, removing the sticky mucilage attached to the bean. After pulping, coffee is sorted by density and delivered to separate piles to ferment. The region experiences insufficient sun to dry the entirety of the farm’s production on patios, so all of the export quality coffee is dried using the farm’s 10 guardiolas, or mechanical steel drums. We've been invited to roast this coffee as part of a national roasting contest, so its flavour profile will evolve as we discover more of its character. Right now, we're getting a well balanced coffee, which opens up beautifully on the palate, with notes of orange, black tea and nut, leading to a pleasing, lingering finish. We'd love to hear what you think!




Teddy Esteve & Family

Farm/Milling Station:

Finca Guadalupe Zaju



Varietal (s):

Marsellesa, Hybrids, Starmaya


900 to 1,400 metres above sea level

Sourcing Partner:


Roasters Notes Mexico Finca Guadalupe Zaju
Our first entry into a national roast competition, I'm having huge fun playing with this coffee to tease out its character. We've gone from cocoa powder and malt, through black tea and lemon curd, and have landed on fruity notes of nectarine and mild citrus, with almost honey like sweetness. This is a subtle coffee which slowly unfolds on your palette, rewarding you with an exceptional finish.

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